Getting started
How do I get paid?
Getting paid on Ko-fi couldn't be easier. Just link your preferred method of payment - whether it's PayP...
Does Ko-fi take a fee?
You can accept one-off donations completely free on Ko-fi. If you decide to use premium features or become...
What personal information is shared on Ko-fi as a creator?
On Ko-fi, we collect only very basic details from creators (you don’t even have to use your real name) an...
What is Ko-fi?
Whether you’re just starting out or have tons of fans, Ko-fi gives you everything you need to earn money...
Pinning Ko-fi to your phone home screen (like an app)
Ko-fi can live right on your phone's home screen 📱 while we develop the official app. Pinning Ko-fi makes i...
Can I use the same PayPal or Stripe account for multiple Ko-fi pages?
If you need multiple Ko-fi pages, that’s fine. You can even link them all to the same PayPal and Stripe acc...
Direct messages on Ko-fi
You can chat with your supporters directly on Ko-fi. Use messages to get feedback from top fans, update sup...
What is Ko-fi Gold?
Ko-fi is built to be simple, fair, and accessible to all creators. You don’t need Gold to unlock anything, ...
Ko-fi logos, buttons, stickers and shareables
Sharing your Ko-fi page in creative ways lets your fans know how to support you. Download these logos, gifs...