Pinning Ko-fi to your phone home screen (Like an app)

Ko-fi can live right on your phone's home screen πŸ“± whilst we develop the official app. Pinning Ko-fi makes it faster and easier for you to keep up with your page.

What is pinning?

When you pin Ko-fi to your home screen, it means creating a shortcut to a website that looks just like an app! 



Pinning Ko-fi to your home screen

Android Apple iOS
  1. Open Chrome and go to Ko-fi.
  2. Tap the menu button (the three dots in the top right corner).
  3. Select "Add to Home screen."
  4. Name your shortcut and then tap "Add."

You've added Ko-fi to your home screen.

Screenshot_20230524-142445_1.png Screenshot_20230524-142453_1.png


Don't worry, the Ko-fi App is on the way

We're working hard on building the Ko-fi app for iOS and Android right now. Pinning Ko-fi should make it a bit easier for now.

Remember, we're always here to make your Ko-fi experience better. 😊