Articles that may help
Failed Payment: If you're having trouble paying, try again using a different browser, device, or payment method.
Getting a refund - You can reach out to the Creator by sending them a message.
Payment Confirmation: Your payment may have failed if you haven’t received payment confirmation. Your payment will be returned after 5 working days.
Cancel Subscription: If you need to cancel or manage your membership to a Creator. Check out our article here.
The transaction link is not working or you paid as a guest:
Follow these steps:
- Find the email address you used to pay
- Reset your password
- Check your transaction is in your account. For subscriptions click here , for everything else click here.
- If you can't find your transaction, submit a support request.
- Try using a different web browser or device.
- Make sure that you're not using a proxy, VPN, or pop-up blocker, which can prevent the PayPal window from appearing.
If you're still waiting for an item, commission, or something else: Send the Creator a message. For more information, click here.
Payment Confirmation:Your payment may have failed if you haven’t received payment confirmation. Your payment will be returned after 5 working days
The transaction link is not working or you paid as a guest:
Follow these steps:
- Find the email address you used to pay
- Reset your password
- Check your transaction is in your account. For subscriptions click here , for everything else click here.
- If you can't find your transaction, submit a support request.
To cancel your Gold Subscription please refer to our article here.
Lost access to your email: Please let us know the email address you would like to use instead of the old one. The new email address must not be associated with a Ko-fi page.
Forgot your email: If you can't remember your email address, try resetting your password with your Ko-fi username. We'll send a link to reset your password to the email address you've used for your Ko-fi account. Check your spam or junk folders if you don't see it.
Learn about what personal information is shared when you get paid or pay on Ko-fi by clicking here.
If someone is breaking our terms and conditions or you no longer want them to support you in the future, you can block and limit Supporters.
- See if the problem happens in a different browser, or on another device in a private/incognito tab.
- Ensure you're not using a pop-up blocker, proxy, or VPN.
- If you can recreate the problem, tell us what country you're in and which device and browser you're using.
- Send us any images, videos, or information you think could help.
- Let us know if the issue is stopping you from using your page completely.
To help us focus on your issue, please choose the most relevant category when reporting it.
Delete Account: To delete your account, follow our guide here.
Lost Access: We cannot delete your account for you. But, we can help you regain access to your account if you provide a different email address that is not linked to a Ko-fi account.
Thank you for your feedback!
Please tell us if you know of any platforms that do what you're asking for.
We read all your responses and take it into account when planning our roadmap.
If you have a question, please choose a different category.
Thank you for your feedback!
Please tell us if you know of any platforms that do what you're asking for.
We read all your responses and take it into account when planning our roadmap.
If you have a question, please choose a different category.
Thank you for your feedback!
Please tell us if you know of any platforms that do what you're asking for.
We read all your responses and take it into account when planning our roadmap.
If you have a question, please choose a different category.
Thank you for your feedback!
Please tell us if you know of any platforms that do what you're asking for.
We read all your responses and take it into account when planning our roadmap.
If you have a question, please choose a different category.
Thank you for your feedback!
Please tell us if you know of any platforms that do what you're asking for.
We read all your responses and take it into account when planning our roadmap.
If you have a question, please choose a different category.
To report a Ko-fi page:
- Scroll to the bottom of the user's page.
- Click the "Report" option.
- Fill out the form as prompted.
Please only submit one request, unless it's for another reason or to give more information about your first report.
Please review our guidelines for prohibited content and NSFW tags before submitting a review request.
To submit your review request, click here.
Please submit only one request. Our response time is typically faster than seven business days.
To find out why your page may have been unpublished and what you can do about it, please have a look at this article.