Direct messages on Ko-fi

You can chat with your supporters directly on Ko-fi. Use messages to get feedback from top fans, update supporters, or offer as a perk for their support. You can also manage your message preferences and control who can message you.


Managing messages

To view your Messages, go to your message-icon.png Messages from the sidebar or click the Messages message-icon.png icon at the top right of the page.

messages-icon 1.png


To see the message-icon.png Messages icon on your page, you’ll need to send or receive a message first.

mobile messages.png

  1. Control who can message you. Tap the gear-icon.png icon to change who can message you and if you want to receive an email notification when you receive a message or reply.


  2. All your conversations will appear in this panel.

  3. Click on "..." to view options to manage specific conversations.


    Mute this user and you will no longer receive notifications on any replies you receive. The user is not notified, but can still send messages.

    Block this user and you will no longer receive any messages from this user. The user is not notified, and can no longer send messages. More info on blocking and limiting can be found here.

    Delete conversation will delete this conversation from your message history. The other person will retain it until they choose to delete it. If you’d rather not interact with a particular user, see more on how blocking works here.

  4. Click on "..." to delete any specific message.

  5. Instantly send an attachment or GIF.

  6. Write your message.

  7. When you're finished writing, press send.


Commission Messaging


Turn on commission messaging in your Commission setup to accept messages from anyone who wants to discuss commissioning you before they buy.

commission-messaging-option 1.png

You can read more about setting up commissions in our help article here.


Sending a message

Creators and supporters can send direct messages once a payment is made. Here’s how you can start the conversation:

Messaging a supporter Messaging a creator

You can send a message to anyone who has supported you.


  1. Go to My Supporters and search for the supporter by their name or email.
  2. Click the Message message-icon.png button.

We're here if you need us. Feel free to send any questions our way. đź’Ś



Why can’t I message a creator?
  • Check that you are logged in under the email that you donated with.
  • Check that your payment shows under Payments & Orders. If you’re not seeing your payment, check your email for an option to link your transaction.
  • Note that creators might choose to only receive messages from supporters they contact first.

If you need help, you can reach out to us here and we’ll be happy to help.

I don’t see the Messages icon!

The message-icon.png icon will appear on the top right of the page if you have sent or received a message.

messages-icon 1.png

Otherwise, you can visit your Messages from the sidebar.

messages-sidebar 1.png

Can I turn off DMs entirely?

You can change your Message settings so that only supporters who you message first can message you back.

Do supporters have to have a Ko-fi account to message me?

Yes, supporters need an account to message you. After supporting, they'll receive an email to quickly create an account. If they lose the email, they can still create an account directly on Ko-fi. Remember, only supporters who have made a payment can send messages.

Can I choose who can message me?

Creators can choose who they receive messages from. Go to Messages and click gear-icon.png to access your message settings. Here, you can change who can message you and choose whether to receive an email notification when you get a message.

Choosing "Anyone who supports me" will enable the message-icon.png Message button on your page. This allows non-supporters to message you after they make a payment.


How do I block or mute a conversation?

Head to Messages > choose the conversation you want to block or mute > on the top right corner of that conversation click "..."


You'll have the option to:

Mute this user and you will no longer receive notifications on any replies you receive. The user is not notified, but can still send messages.

Block this user and you will no longer receive any messages from this user. The user is not notified, and can no longer send messages.

Delete Conversation will delete this conversation from your message history. The other person will retain it until they choose to delete it. If you rather not interact with a particular user, see more on how blocking works here.

How will I know when someone messages me?

We’ll email you a notification with the message, and there will be an alert next to your Messages icon in the Ko-fi header.


I’ve messaged a creator and they haven’t replied?

If you’ve messaged a creator but haven’t received a response after purchasing a commission or shop item, check out our guide on unfulfilled commissions and shop items here.

Can I send a bulk message to my supporters?

Ko-fi doesn't have a bulk messaging feature right now.

However, you can download the My Supporters CSV to view supporter email addresses and send a mass email outside of Ko-fi.