Connect Ko-fi to Twitch for chat alerts and more
Connect Ko-fi to Twitch to get payment alerts in your stream chat, promote your Ko-fi page, and even create Twitch clips when you get a payment!
Connecting to Twitch
It’s simple and easy to connect to Twitch and set up alerts, commands, and more!
Head over to Stream Alerts and tap Connect to Twitch.
Ko-fi will ask permission to access basic info to post alerts, respond to commands, and create clips.
Once connected, you will be able to customize your Twitch settings (do this at any time from the
Settings). You’ll also see a message in your Twitch chat confirming your connection.
Twitch settings
Decide what you want the Ko-fi stream bot to do from your Twitch Settings. Just go to your Stream Alert settings and tap Settings.
- Twitch chat alerts - Toggle this on if you’d like to show payment alerts live in your Twitch chat.
- Chat goal progress - If you have a goal, this will show your progress in your Twitch chat each time you get a payment to encourage more support.
Respond to commands - This will let your audience easily locate your Ko-fi links by typing a command in the chat. The available commands are:
- !kofi or !ko-fi - Share your Ko-fi page.
- !kofishop - Share your Shop link.
- !koficommissions -Share your Commissions link.
- !kofitiers - Share your Memberships link. Add these commands to your stream title or about section for easy access! -
Create Twitch clips - The Ko-fi stream bot will create a Twitch clip when you receive a payment while streaming. We’ll email you the link to the clip to share, or you can access it from your Payments & Orders. Just look for the
Twitch icon next to your payment to see it!
- Timed messages in chat - You can set the Ko-fi stream bot to automatically share your Ko-fi page with timed messages. This is a really useful way to remind viewers of the best way to support you.
- Disconnect - This disconnects Ko-fiStreamBot from your Twitch.
Check out our help article here for more info on stream alerts!
We're here if you need us or if you have any suggestions. Feel free to send any questions our way. 💌
Frequently Asked Questions
You can send a test alert to test your connection and confirm what will be sent in chat when you receive a donation.
- Go to your Stream Alert settings.
- Scroll to Twitch Chatbot.
- Click the link to send a test alert.
The test alert will then show in your Twitch chat.
Choose the message that displays when you receive a payment.
- Go to your Stream Alert settings > Alert Text.
- Enter the message you want to be displayed when someone donates. Use placeholders to show the Supporter's display name, the value of the tip, and the message they left when they supported you.
Learn more about Ko-fi stream alerts here!
Decide how often the bot should promote your page via your Stream Alert settings by clicking Settings under Twitch Chatbot.
If you need to disconnect the Ko-fi stream bot from Twitch, you can do so by going to your Stream Alert settings > Twitch Chatbot > Settings > Disconnect.
You can also disconnect via your Twitch Connections by scrolling to Other Connections and selecting Disconnect.