Uploading GIFs on Ko-fi

You can use GIFs in your Posts, Gallery, Commissions, Membership Tiers and Shop.




How GIFs animate on Ko-fi 

Ko-fi supports GIFs up to the usual image size limits—20MB for free accounts and 50MB for Contributor.

Here’s how GIFs animate on Ko-fi:

  • Under 250KB: Your GIF will animate in the feed.
  • Up to 4MB: Your GIF will animate when opened.
  • Over 4MB: The GIF will not animate on Ko-fi.







Examples of live GIFs on Ko-fi

Liven up your posts with GIFs


 gatekid3's Ko-fi Post


Add GIFs to your gallery


gatekid's Gallery


Animate your membership tier images


balmut's Membership Tiers 


Use GIFs as commission examples


ytcyborekittygamer's Commissions


Animate your shop listings


Miu_A's Ko-fi Shop


Can I use a GIF for my profile picture and cover image?

Currently, Ko-fi does not support GIFs as profile pictures or cover images.


My GIF size is too large to animate?

If your GIF is too large to animate, try resizing it using a GIF editor like ezgif.com.

  • Under 250KB: Your GIF will animate instantly without needing to be clicked.
  • Up to 4MB: Your GIF will animate when opened.
  • Over 4MB: The GIF will not animate on Ko-fi.


Can I sell GIFs?

Yes, when selling GIFs in your Ko-fi Shop, be sure to upload the highest quality file as the asset. Use a smaller GIF to animate your shop listing (you can add a watermark to the preview version).


You can also download some of these cool Ko-fi GIFs for free.

We're here if you need us. Feel free to send any questions our way. 💌