Ko-fi logos, buttons, stickers and shareables

Sharing your Ko-fi page in creative ways lets your fans know how to support you. Download these logos, gifs and emotes and use them in your projects to help promote your page!


Ko-fi Logo & Icons

Great for social preview images, twitch panels, video screens… just about anything.


Even more logo versions available here.

Can I tweak the Ko-fi logo a bit so it fits the look of my page or website better?

We would prefer you to keep the logo as consistent as possible so people know it’s Ko-fi. However, ensure the logo isn't stretched, distorted, or changed too much from the original design, and that it aligns with our content guidelines. 💌


Ko-fi Gifs

Use these cute gifs in your stories, videos and posts!


Ko-fi Mug Gifs by Sammy Doo


Ko-fi Emotes

Download these cool emotes and use them wherever stream or on your discord server!


Ko-fi Mug Emotes by Eepie 


More Ko-fi Stickers and Gifs

Find even more community created gifs and stickers on Giphy, just search ‘Ko-fi’ or click here.

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