Cancel your Ko-fi Gold subscription

We understand if you've decided to cancel your Gold subscription. By canceling, you won't be charged again on your next billing date. Rest assured, you'll continue to enjoy all your benefits until the end of your subscription period.

Even without Gold, you can still access features like the Ko-fi Shop, Memberships, Commissions, and more, instead with a 5% platform fee for each transaction. In most cases, you might consider becoming a Ko-fi contributor to maintain exclusive Gold features, such as your custom "coffee" metaphor and page color. You can opt out of contributor status whenever you like.


How to cancel Ko-fi Gold

To cancel your Gold subscription, simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Account Settings.
  2. Under subscriptions, locate your "Ko-fi Gold Subscription."
  3. Select the three dots and choose "Cancel Gold."
  4. Once completed, you won't be charged again, but you'll retain your benefits until the subscription renewal date.


Can’t find the “Cancel Gold” button?

If you subscribed to Gold using PayPal and can't locate the "Cancel Gold" button, you can easily unsubscribe from your PayPal dashboard. Here's how:

  1. Log into your PayPal account.

  2. Navigate to the 'pre-approved payment' section for Ko-fi Labs Limited.

  3. Next to the status, click on 'Cancel' to stop renewal of the subscription.


Once you confirm the cancellation, your Gold subscription will not renew, and is now cancelled.


What happens after you cancel your Ko-fi Gold subscription?

Even after canceling your Ko-fi Gold subscription, you'll continue to enjoy its benefits until the end of your subscription period. Once that period expires, in most cases, we'll automatically transition you to contributor status. We do that so you don’t lose any premium features.

Here's what you need to know:

  • With contributor status, the main difference is that a 5% platform fee will be deducted from each payment you receive rather than paying a monthly/yearly Gold payment. Only pay a fee when you get paid.
  • All your memberships, recurring payments, and most changes to your page and settings will remain after your Gold subscription expires, so no need to worry about losing any customizations.

For more details on the fees Ko-fi takes or how to opt out of contributor status, you can refer to our guide here.


Can I undo the cancellation of my gold subscription?

You can't undo the cancellation of your Gold subscription. However, you can join again after your subscription has ended from the Ko-fi Gold page.


Why am I still being billed if I canceled?

First, check your Account Settings to confirm that your subscription has been canceled. If you canceled after the auto-billing date and still see charge attempts, contact us here and we’ll sort it out for you.


We're here if you need us or if you have any suggestions. Feel free to send any questions our way. 💌